Friday, January 14, 2011


The Moody Blues had a song I always liked, "In the Eyes of a Child". It always made me think what life would be like if we could experience it through the eyes of a child. I don't think it would be as complicated as we adults make it. Adults seem to like shades of grey, probably makes them feel grown up. Lets be honest, in most cases, things are black and white, right or wrong. I think in our attempt to try to spare people's feelings we like to try to be empathetic and see both sides of an issue.

Back in the sixties we seemed to all be hung up on metaphysics. This may have been drug induced, or the wish to be a philosophy professor, still not sure. The father of metaphysics was Aristotle who wrote "All men by nature desire to know". Metaphysics is the study of the fundamental nature of all reality. A subset of metaphysics is Ontology which is the study of existence and what exists. Greek philosophers could spend weeks debating the subjects of existence, reality and being.

All people have two things in common. We are all born and we all die. In between we exist in our own reality that bumps up against others reality from time to time. Sometimes our "reality collisions" have positive effects on people and sometimes they are very detrimental. When a child comes into our reality the odds are it will have a positive effect. Why? Maybe because children are not tarnished by this world. They are, usually, loving and forgiving. They are usually willing to give a person an another chance. They are not that far removed from the miracle of birth, not that far removed heaven.

I wonder if when we die and experience the miracle of death, of passing to our real home, do we remember this life, this reality. I look forward to the miracle of moving to my Father's mansion. I look forward to learning all the things I don't know. I look forward to love and forgiveness, things that are in very short supply in this reality. I really look forward to seeing things through the eyes of a child...again.

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